German Engineered Orthotics. Durable. Comfortable.
Next Generation Orthotics Are Here!
Custom orthotics have been rapidly evolving with the integration of new 3D scanning technology and Pedorthic Design software advancements from Germany. First Step Orthotics can be customized more precisely by Pedorthists than ever before. Custom orthotics no longer have to be made from hard plastic materials. Instead we use a material called "Ethyl Vinyl Acetate" (EVA). This material can be found in the soles of popular running shoes and has been utilized by the orthotic industry because of its light-weight and superior shock absorbing properties. The orthotic material can be sintered to form a porous material similar to rubber, yet with the same toughness of a hard plastic shell. Orthotic materials are imported directly from Germany and made here in Toronto by a Certified Pedorthist. Custom orthotic insoles made by First Step now last twice as long while providing more comfortable support in all your different shoe types.
Interchangeable OrthoticOur orthotics we tailor to the shoes you wear! Ensure you show the Pedorthist all the styles you wear year-round.
Multiple StylesAn orthotic can be made hundreds of different ways. Have a style or preference? Ask the Pedorthist and we will design something suitable for your shoes and feet!
Light. Hypoallergice. Antimicrobial.German EVA Orthotics do not hold odours and currently last the longest in the industry! They are ideal for people who spend a lot of time on their feet and the most comfy orthotic on the market.